Tuesday, July 8, 2008

General Anton Vassilev watched the flashing lights of explosions for the third night in a row as the Helian Hive died. For the last two nights he held position deploying scouts only in the morning.

All had returned empty handed with stories of buildings that were just missing, seemingly plucked from the earth by some giant hand leaving only a graveyard of pipes and wires. The occasional fire still burned but there were no bodies - either human or whatever had been waging silent war upon them.

"Damn it! I need eyes to fight these bastards!" He stroked out the waxed curls of his long mustache in thought.

He finally let out a long sigh.

"Groznii. Front and center."

The wiry sergeant of the regiment's sapper unit jogged forward. Piet Groznii had served under General Vassilev since he was a captain and Piet a raw recruit. He was tough, he was fast and most of all, he was a sneaky sonofabitch. And that was what Vassilev needed now.

"Piet, need eyes. I need to know what we are up against and I know that I am sending you into the crucible. I wouldn't do this were there any other way. Take your best men and avoid contact at all costs."

Groznii pointed out 10 of his men.

"Get your gear. Tunnel kit only. We leave in 5 minutes." Some groaned and all looked apprehensive.

"I expect a little of the good stuff when we get back, General. Private reserve, if you catch my drift."

"Bring my intel and I will pour it myself until you puke. Good luck, Piet. The Emperor protects."

"Let's hope so."

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